Welcome to our community!
This is the place to discuss anything and everything pop culture, from movies, memes, and music to celebrity gossip and analytical discussions.
You can snark OR stan, but keep it civil and don't attack people you don't agree with.
This is an inclusive community and ALL members should be treated with respect. No bigotry, no bullying, no harassment.
Keep it cute or keep it mute!
Please read the following rules before posting and commenting. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via modmail. Thanks!
CIVIL DISCUSSION ONLYThis subreddit is for civil discussion only. While shade, wit & snark are welcome, bullying, harassment, bigotry & personal attacks are not.
Do not attack other users for their fandom. Do not use someone's post history to attack them. Do not bait users. Treat everyone with respect. Attack the argument, not the person. Violations of this rule will result in an immediate ban.
This is not "Mean Girls." Everyone can sit with us if they are respectful & engaging in good faith.
Keep it cute or keep it mute!
NO ISMS / PHOBIAS / HATE SPEECHWhile we support marginalized communities' rights to reclaim slurs, we do NOT support bigotry or using bigoted language to denigrate anyone. This includes but is not limited to: racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia & xenophobia.
This subreddit is an inclusive LGBTQ+, BIPOC woman-dominated space. Bigotry is not welcome here.
RUMORS & GOSSIPDo not mislead or use poor sourcing. Any unverified rumors should be clearly labeled as such & only cite from respected & reputable sources. Anything else will be removed.
We provide a weekly tea discussion post where you can discuss unverified gossip. Please keep it in the space we provide for you.
APPEARANCE & OBJECTIFICATIONNo objectification, slut shaming, slurs or derogatory insults on appearance and/or weight.
A lot of celebrities have had work done, and many may alter their online appearances with photoshop and other filters.
It’s fine (and healthy!) to discuss these things in a world obsessed with beauty standards but we don’t need to be overly negative and tear someone down to do that.
If someone can't change their appearance within minutes, don't make negative comments. Be kind!
CELEBRITY CHILDRENSelf-explanatory. Immediate bans for any negative comments directed to or about anyone under the age of 18.
Photos of celebrity children without their parents (yes this includes bday posts or creepy fan sites for celeb children) will be removed & the post authors will be suspended pending review.
We do allow photos that have been posted publicly by the parents on social media. However, be very respectful & don't make an entire post dedicated just to the child.
SOCIAL MEDIA POSTSIt’s fine to share social media posts but we require the names to be blocked out unless it’s a verified account, meme, a celebrity or the name has appeared in the news (public). Posts that violate this rule will be removed until the information is hidden.
USE THE SPOILER FLAIRSince this is a pop culture sub we will talk about new releases & spoilers. However, we require all spoilers to use the spoiler flair. Comments with spoilers not in a flaired spoiler post must be covered. No spoilers in the title.
NO META DISCUSSIONNo meta discussion allowed!
We will have regular meta & off-topic posts where members of the sub can talk about everything under the sun that is not celeb-related. Every other time? Stay on topic & keep it cute.
If you have suggestions or wish to vent you can always use modmail or discuss it in the areas we provide for meta chat. Repeatedly ignoring this rule will result in a ban.
If you decide to leave the sub, you don’t need to make a post to say goodbye.
NO LOW EFFORT POSTSNo low effort/low quality posts or post titles. You must put in an effort!
Text posts: Descriptions are required! Share information expounding upon your title.
Links: Titles should have a description of what you're sharing. Otherwise leave a comment with context.
Photos: You must leave a comment providing context if it isn't apparent in the title.
This is to encourage discussion and because not everyone knows every pop culture reference or celebrity.
NO REPOSTSTo keep the conversations fresh & interesting, similar posts may be removed. All reposts of megathread questions/topics or pinned content will be removed.
Reposts are defined as posting the same meme, content, question, news article, etc. with similar titles, discussion questions, or the like. Do not rehash the same topic by posting something that could be a comment in a current thread.
If there's already a current post for the topic, you can provide updates with images/links in the comments.
HEALTH ANALYSIS & TRIGGERSNo overly invasive diagnoses of strangers or suggestive commentary about their physical or mental health, including addiction. No armchair diagnosing. Be extremely mindful of the language you use.
Respect boundaries & respect that your experiences are not everyone’s. Most importantly respect your own energy and know when to step back.
For posts with triggering content, a brief description is required in the first line of the text post (e.g. TW: Reason). Use the trigger warning post flair.
DEADNAMING & PRONOUNSRespect this always, regardless of the context or if referring to someone pre-transition. If you are unsure they/them will suffice. Any & all wilful disrespect with this rule is a ban worthy offense. No excuses.
NO SPAM OR SELF-PROMOTIONNo links to your own social media, companies, blogs, brands, unverified news sources, etc.
Self created content, such as fan-art/fan-edits, are allowed & encouraged! There are exceptions if a video or article is a deep dive or informational. In these cases, we ask for context to open discussion on said post. Moderator discretion applies.
POLITICAL & SOCIETAL DEBATENo overly politcal posts or comments. While we do allow discussions around politics, this isn't a political sub. If it doesn't fit in pop culture, it doesn't belong here.
There will be times where societal discussions happen. Healthy discussion around societal topics are fine as long as you engage in good faith.
Be respectful to others who do not share your viewpoint. If someone is purposely trolling, do not engage! Report any rule violations to the mods via the report button or modmail.
AGREE TO DISAGREE & MOVE ONWhile civil discussion is encouraged, arguing for the sake of arguing & flame wars is not. No one needs to have the last word. Know when to agree to disagree & move on.
Respect boundaries. If someone says they are done discussing things with you, do not continue to engage. If you continue, you will be subject to a ban.