The look of your eyebrows can change your whole face. Very fine eyebrows can make prominent facial features stand out even further, while high-arched brows can give a rounder face some length. If you’re tired of filling your eyebrows in every morning, eyebrow tattooing is an easy way to achieve a look you love and hold onto it for longer. Tattooing is all about celebrating your individuality, and eyebrow tattoos can work for you no matter your story. Whether you’ve been experiencing eyebrow hair loss, your daily pencilling routine is becoming a little too time-consuming, or you dread getting caught in the rain, having your eyebrows tattooed can help you feel free. It gives you the chance to enjoy a look that complements your face 24/7 without the fear that something as small as a splash of water will spoil it. If you’ve ever looked at somebody and thought, ‘What’s the secret to their perfect brows?’, then there’s a good chance it’s eyebrow tattooing. There are different options available for you when you have your eyebrows tattooed, and you can take your pick from the styles and techniques that suit you best. The four main kinds of eyebrow tattooing available are: Also known as microblading, feathering is a technique where your tattooist creates ultra-realistic eyebrows. This involves drawing genuine-looking hair strokes in the direction of your natural hair. Feather tattoo eyebrows are perfect for those who favour the most natural look possible. In fact, microblading is one of the most popular permanent makeup treatments on the market, thanks largely to its authentic appearance. Mist brows, also known as shading, “powder brows,” or “ombre brows,” are a technique for creating a powdery look similar to makeup. This approach mimics the appearance of drawn-on eyebrows rather than natural hairs. Created by a technique called nanoblading, nano brows are very similar to feather tattoo eyebrows but carried out with a single needle rather than multiple needles.The Different Types of Permanent Eyebrows
Feather-touch technique
Mist/powder brows
Nano brows
Combination brows
A mixture of feathering and shading, commonly known as “combination brows,” might be the perfect approach to achieving the look you want. Combination brows include hair stroke and powder-style techniques for a finished result that’s natural-looking yet boldly defined.
The Benefits of Eyebrow Tattooing

It’s long-lasting
Eyebrow tattoos are designed to give you long-term results and maintain the look you want for longer. Depending on factors like sun exposure, genetics and your own skincare routine, they can last anywhere between 12 months and two years.
It enhances your natural features
Eyebrow tattooing accentuates your best-looking natural features and camouflages minor imperfections. It can hide hair loss and uneven pigmentation, helping you feel more secure.
It won’t smudge or wash off
All it takes is one mishap to smear or streak the eyebrows you’ve taken time out of your day to immaculately pencil in. When you choose the tattooed eyebrows, you can continue to enjoy your favourite activities, including swimming.
It’s great for those with allergies and sensitivities
Some people’s skin has a negative reaction to traditional cosmetics. If that’s you, tattooed eyebrows let you enjoy your favourite look around the clock without risks like itching, swelling, redness or dermatitis.
It’s suitable for different skin types
Do you have normal, oily, dry, sensitive, or combination skin? Everybody’s skin type falls into a common category that affects how it reacts to makeup and the types of cosmetics and cleansers they should use. However, eyebrow tattoos are suitable for all skin types and won’t irritate your skin so long as you follow aftercare procedures.
It doesn’t affect your natural brows
Eyebrow tattooing won’t ruin your natural eyebrows or prevent your hairs from being able to grow properly. But there are definitely some important things to keep in mind to ensure the end result looks good and won’t harm your skin. The skill of the technician, the quality of the pigments and how strictly you follow the aftercare procedures are all important.
How Eyebrow Tattooing Is Done

Feather tattoo eyebrows are created by using tiny needles to draw hair strokes over the skin where your eyebrow naturally sits. Powder brow tattooing is performed by implanting numerous dots of colours into the brow. However, unlike traditional forms of tattooing, eyebrow tattoos are semi-permanent rather than permanent. This is because the tattoo artist uses pigment instead of ink and does the work on the surface layer of the skin (the epidermis) rather than deeper into the skin.
The process of getting your eyebrows tattooed starts with a consultation in which you discuss your goals. An artist takes your facial features into account when working with you on the right design. Your appointment begins with cleaning the eyebrow area and applying topical numbing cream. You’ll also likely have to book in for a touch-up in four to six weeks’ time.
How Eyebrow Tattooing Heals
The healing period after an eyebrow tattoo lasts for about two weeks. During the first couple of days, there will be some swelling, and your eyebrows may appear darker than originally planned. From days four to six, some scabs will form, and you’ll need to avoid scratching your eyebrows to allow them to heal properly. On day five, the scabs will finish flaking off and your eyebrows will soften. After two weeks, the swelling and excess colouring will have subsided.
The Longevity of Tattooed Eyebrows
Tattooed eyebrows are designed to be long-lasting by nature. Our semi-permanent feather tattoo eyebrows last between 12-24 months, and other cosmetic tattoos can last for even longer.
Book a Cosmetic Tattoo Appointment with Celebrity Ink
Celebrity Ink is Asia-Pacific’s largest tattoo brand, with more than 25 studios around the world. Our studios specialise in a range of cosmetic tattoo styles, including eyebrow tattooing, so you don’t have to go through the same makeup routine every day. As semipermanent make-up becomes more popular, new developments in technology allow our skilled artists to create the eyebrow designs you desire more precisely. We can also enhance your features with eyeliner, lip, beauty spot and freckle tattoos.
For long-lasting results, it’s essential to care for your new brows by following our cosmetic tattoo aftercare procedure. For an in-depth discussion about your perfect eyebrow tattoo design, book a consultation at one of Celebrity Ink’s studios.
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